have experienced adjustments from many chiropractors, but Dr.
Skefich is my favorite because of her gentle adjusting and her
confident, calm presence that stays with me when I walk out the
door. Previously I had 3-day migraines and head pressure, and
foot bones jammed into painful positions."
Dr. Skefich as a
very motivated, knowledgeable
and effective
She has specific exercises to recommend for each
specific situation which goes well beyond what I have seen in
most chiropractors."
-Drina Brooke
Dr. Skefich believes
in educating her patients. She frequently recommends books or
tapes. The following is a list of her top recommendations.
by Carolyn Myss a
Audio cassette tape series
(Level I and level II available from Sylvias lending library). The tapes
explain which diseases and mindsets evolve out of disfunction
of the various chakras.
click here to order with amazon.com
by Dr. Neil Barnard
Many chronic pain states are caused by or made worse from
foods we eat every day.Learn the 12 most highly irritating foods
and how they affect your health.
click here to order with amazon.com
The Ayurvedic perspective from India explained and applied to
western herbs. This book is good for those who want to balance
their body with herbs and are shy of the foreign Indian or Chinese
click here to order with amazon.com
by Master Lam Kam
"Mastering the Chinese art of internal strength with Chi
Kung Exercises"
click here to order with amazon.com
by Richard Hittleman
This book is
an old standard that keeps up your interest in building and
maintaining a daily practice that is just right for you. The
28 day plan slowly builds on itself, then routines for maintenance
follow. click here to order with amazon.com
John Doulliard
book describes the gentle Ayurvedic approach to fitness that
has been found to produce fantastic results by Olympic athletes
and others.
click here to order with amazon.com
by Upledger/Vredevoogd
cranio-sacral therapists. This book is very
detailed and easy
to read, but only for those with a sound anatomy knowledge base.
click here to order with amazon.com